Meditation – learning to sit quietly with yourself – each wednesday via zoom

0.00 45 minutes

45 minutes of meditation via zoom

every Wednesday 19:45

for free

with Sonja & Mallory

Permanent Zoom Meeting Id.: 83950466899, Kenncode: M46PHj

Categories: , , SKU: 1


We have 45 minutes every Wednesday evening together to share the experience of being part of a meditating group, starting at 19:45, with 5 minutes of mantra singing (if you don’t like to sing maybe just listen), 5 minutes of helpful instructions and inspirations from Mallory, and 30 minutes of sitting and meditating.

Permanent Zoom Meeting Id.: 83950466899, Kenncode: M46PHj

Just sitting for the delight of sitting.

A lot of people talk about meditating, but very few actually even try it. If you are new to meditation, you are welcome. If you are experienced with meditation, you are welcome. The session is free, and you will find the permanent zoom-link written above.

Some people are born with an innate ability to slip into meditative states, but most of us have to learn it the hard way, by sitting attentively and picking the subject apart until some progress comes. Learning to stop thinking is one of the most difficult tasks for a human being. Yoga provides us with the tools for this: pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi.

Maybe just the action of sitting with us will give you the nudge you need to learn how to dip into the divine.


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