Arthur’s Farm Shop

Farm Shop

The best regional, organic fruit and vegetables available

We are just bubbles of bliss in an
ocean of consciousness. 

  • Finally we are open! When we started building our new vegetable beds three years ago using our newly learned regenerative principles, we had this romantic idea that we were making them more resistant and durable and able to cope with stress because we felt we would be tested severely in the future with climate-change related

  • We went for it, and made a second planting of Napa Cabbage, Carrot, Daikon, etc and it was all just a little bit late but just made it by the middle of October for harvest. Although the quantity was not large, the quality was excellent and you can taste it in the 50 kg latest

  • A great harvest, Hokkaido and Butternut. Most people know the Hokkaido, but not everyone knows just how fantastic the Butternut pumpkin is. We have had a great harvest this year, you can choose between large and small pumpkins. something for everyone there. They provide a lot of nutrition and are seriously yummy!

  • 8 selected delicious tomato varieties We have grown 8 selected delicious tomato varieties this year and the harvest is fantastic1 Come along and get some delicious tomatoes, it's pure summer in terms of taste1 And it'll soon be over too.

  • Just for fun, we will be attending the popular 4 Country Market in La Calamine. You will find us there with some of our electrobugs, and a small selection of some of the fruit and veg freshly harvested from our fields. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Green Beans The best grean beans are fresh harvested in our shop! Come and get some 😊

  • We planted three types of garlic last year to figure out what we like the most, and what grows the best. and we have just harvested our Messidor, wow what great stuff. It is not always easy to grow good garlic here in Belgium (3 years ago we lost a lot due to extreme rain),

  • We have been working hard at refining our recipe for Salsa Macha, always looking to improve. The old Chipotle Morita is delicious, but expensive, non organic and it needs lots of work to de-seed. So we are delighted to have found a substitute which is organic, comes from Europe and is absolutely delicious. So we

  • Amazing Salanovas are ready! Yumyum the best crispy colorful lettuces are ready and waiting for you!

  • availability... Hooray, after a long pause, we are opening again on the 18th May 2023. This time of the year in Belgium was known traditionally as "the hungry gap", many years ago. At this time of year people were down to their last stored vegetables and fruits, and every