“Ayurvedic Wisdom for Menopause: Embrace the Change with Balance” July, 26th 2025

45.00 3 hours

“Ayurvedic Wisdom for Menopause: Embrace the Change with Balance”

July 26th, 2025
13:00 – 16:00

45 Euro per person

inclusive beverages and ayurvedic pastry


In a culture that tends to glorify a kind of everlasting youth and beauty thinking about menopause and the changes that come with it can bring up uncertainty, fears or discontent. Actually in my experience no one really talks about it, and also actually everybody shares in that part of life more or less the same experiences. Some may have hot flashes, others maybe mood swings or sleepless nights..whatever your symptoms might be, i will listen to your different experiences and explain to you the holistic connections between what you eat, how you live and what your constitution is and how that all relates to your personal experience of your menopause.

These  different effects on a womens body and psyche  let you look deeper in yourself from the  Ayurvedic perspective. It helps to understand and go through this transformation to another part of your life gracefully and offers  individual help and support.

We will share our time in the beautiful space of our yoga shala. All you have to bring is just yourself and something to write.

Participants: 12
Price: 45 Euro per person
(yummy pastry, drinks like coffee & tea..included)


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